Heart of Goals Anniversary Event

Help us celebrate our five year anniversary!

  • Heart of gold: A kind, compassionate, and generous person.

  • Heart of goals: A kind, compassionate and generous person…who loves soccer!

Our success over the last five years can be directly connected to the generosity of the individuals who are part of our DMSC community. From the extra time our coaches put in with our players, to the small donation to help our financial assistance program to the soccer parents taking turns to carpool to practice and games -  kindness, generosity and community is at the heart of DMSC.

We’re excited to celebrate our 5th Anniversary this year and to honor our club’s journey we would love to host a fun-filled day for players and families with food, kids activities and of course, soccer! As we plan our Heart of Goals Anniversary event, we would love to have your help/ If you’re interested in learning more or joining our event planning committee, please reach out to our board member, Lora Thiessen at

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